Can Eating Healthy Make You Look Younger?
Can Eating Healthy Make You Look Younger? Skin reflects the general inner health status and aging. Throughout the centuries worldwide “Nutrition and its reflection on skin” has always been an interesting topic for scientists. Vitamins , flavonoids and a variety of plant extracts have anti-oxidant properties. These are widely used in the skin care industry as applied agents or oral supplements to increase skin appearance. Beauty comes from inside. Connection between nutrition and skin condition is an interesting field not only for scientists but also for humans throughout the years (from ancient times till date). Skin aging consists of two processes. · Intrinsic Skin Aging: Process that results in thin, dry skin, fine wrinkles, which represents progressive aging and affects skin in the same pattern as it affects all internal organs · Extrinsic Skin Aging: This process is engendered by external environment factors such as air pollution, smok...